Federal Patent Court


All judicial decisions by the Federal Patent Court as of 1 January 2000 can be found in our database and are continually updated. You can search for individual decisions either with the special search fields “date” (of the decision) and “court file number,” or with a full text search. You can also search for the number of the property right which was the subject matter of the proceedings. Please enter that number into the search field “Stichwort” without any spaces or punctuation marks (e.g...)

The abbreviations used in the database for the various boards of the Federal Patent Court have the following meanings:

NichtigkeitNichtigkeitssenat (Nullity Board)
Jur.Beschw.Juristischer Beschwerdesenat  (Juridical Board of Appeal)
Jur.Beschw./NichtigkeitJuristischer Beschwerdesenat und Nichtigkeitssenat (Juridical Board of Appeal and Nullity Board)
Techn.Beschw.Technischer Beschwerdesenat (Technical Board of Appeal)
Marken Marken-Beschwerdesenat  (Board of Appeal for Trade Marks)
Marken/DesignMarken- und Design-Beschwerdesenat (Board of Appeal for Trade Marks and Designs)
GebrMGebrauchsmuster-Beschwerdesenat (Board of Appeal for Utility Models)
Sortensch. Sortenschutz-Beschwerdesenat (Board of Appeal in Plant Variety Cases)

All decisions may be downloaded for non-commercial purposes. Commercial utilisation is permissible only on a fee basis. If you are interested in such utilisation, please contact Division 5 (Press and Public Relations, Information Services) at phone no. +49 (0) 89 69 937-491 or at e-mail Entscheidungen@bpatg.bund.de

Please note that the Federal Patent Court cannot provide any legal advice. Therefore, the Court likewise cannot accept requests from you to compile relevant judgments on a legal issue that interests you. For that, you should contact a patent attorney, lawyer or other legal professional. 

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